Current Loan Rates at Washington Trust

Home Equity Loans

Maximum TermAPR*Monthly Payment**
60 Months7.125$19.86
120 Months7.375$11.80
180 Months7.625$9.34
240 Months7.875$8.29
360 Months9.000$8.05

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All rates effective as of February 11, 2025

Payments shown do not include taxes or insurance. Your payments may be greater. These rates are for Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island properties.
The above rates require auto deduction from a Washington Trust checking account. Single-family, owner-occupied primary residences or second homes only. Maximum loan-to-value of 80% up to $400,000. Property Insurance required.
*Annual Percentage Rate
**Per $1,000 Borrowed

Home Equity Line of Credit - Low Introductory APR

Line AmountAPR as low as*
$25,000 - $249,9997.625%
$250,000 - $400,0007.375%

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All rates effective as of February 11, 2025

* Payments shown do not include taxes or insurance. Your payments may be greater. Properties must be located in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, or Rhode Island. All loans subject to credit and underwriting approval. Introductory Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of 6.99% is fixed for the first 12 months. After the introductory rate the APR is a variable rate and will be based on the Wall Street Journal’s Prime Rate which is 7.50% as of 12/19/2024. The APR becomes Prime Rate minus .125% on lines of $250,000 - $400,000; Prime Rate plus .125% on lines of $25,000 - $249,999. Your APR will vary monthly if the Prime Rate changes but will not exceed 18.00% or be less than 2.75%. Account closure fee of $350 for lines up to $500,000 or $500 for lines over $500,000 will be assessed if the account is closed within the first three years. A Washington Trust personal checking account is required. Annual fee of $50 due each year of the draw period beginning with the 13th billing cycle. Some home improvement projects may be subject to inspection fees and a satisfactory completion certificate. Subject to the recording fee of approximately $88 in RI and $110-$217 in CT, MA, and NH. Ownership must be personally held property only- No Trusts or LLCs allowed. Not intended for homes currently for sale or intended to be sold within 12 months of closing. Offer available for new lines only. Other restrictions may apply. Other fees may apply. Property insurance is required. Flood insurance where required by law. Single-family, owner-occupied primary residences or second homes only. Maximum loan-to-value of 80% up to $400,000. Offer available for a limited time only and may be withdrawn at any time. Consult your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest.

Home Equity Line of Credit

Line AmountAPR as low as*
$25,000 - $249,9997.625%
$250,000 - $1,000,0007.375%

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All rates effective as of February 11, 2025

* Payments shown do not include taxes or insurance. Your payments may be greater. Properties must be located in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, or Rhode Island. All loans subject to credit and underwriting approval. The APR is a variable rate and will be based on the Wall Street Journal’s Prime Rate which is 7.50% as of 12/19/2024. Your APR will vary monthly if the Prime Rate changes but will not exceed 18.00% or be less than 2.75%. Account closure fee of $350 for lines up to $500,000 or $500 for lines over $500,000 will be assessed if the account is closed within the first three years. A Washington Trust personal checking account is required. Annual fee of $50 due each year of the draw period beginning with the 13th billing cycle. Some home improvement projects may be subject to inspection fees and a satisfactory completion certificate. Subject to the recording fee of approximately $88 in RI and $110-$217 in CT, MA, and NH. Trust review fees of $250 may apply if property is held in a trust. Other restrictions may apply. Other fees may apply. Property insurance is required. Flood insurance where required by law. Single-family, owner-occupied primary residences or second homes only. Maximum loan-to-value of 80% up to $500,000. Consult your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest.

Unsecured Personal Loans

Loan AmountTermAPR*Monthly Payment**
$1,500 - $10,00060 Months15.650$24.14
$10,001 - $15,00060 Months13.750$23.15

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All rates effective as of February 11, 2025

This product is not available for debt consolidation or education purposes.
These rates are for Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island residents.
The above rates require auto deduction from a Washington Trust checking account.
*Annual Percentage Rate
**Per $1,000 Borrowed

Overdraft Protection

 APR**Monthly Payment
Credit Reserve*18.000Greater of 5% of outstanding balance
or $25.00

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All rates effective as of February 11, 2025

These rates are for Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island residents.
*Annual fee of $24.99 applies. Waived with a Freedom Plus or Ultra checking relationship Monthly late fee of $5.00 may apply.
**Annual Percentage Rate

Land Loans (Buildable Land)

Loan to ValueMaximum TermAPR*Monthly Payment**
Up to 65% LTV60 Months8.240$20.39
 120 Months8.540$12.42
 180 Months8.740$9.99

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All rates effective as of February 11, 2025

These rates are for Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island properties.
The above rates require auto deduction from a Washington Trust checking account.
*Annual Percentage Rate
**Per $1,000 Borrowed

Manufactured Homes on Leased Land

70% Loan to Value

Maximum TermAPR*Monthly Payment**
60 Months9.424$20.76
120 Months9.611$12.87
144 Months10.082$11.88

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All rates effective as of February 11, 2025

These rates are for Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island properties.
The above rates require auto deduction from a Washington Trust checking account.
Original fee equal to 1% of loan amount.
*Annual Percentage Rate
**Per $1000 Borrowed

Fixed Rate Mortgages (up to $766,550)

Product Term Points Rate APR* Monthly Payment** Payment Calculator
30 Year 0 6.750 6.855 6.49 Your monthly cost
30 Year 1 6.500 6.701 6.32 Your monthly cost
20 Year 0 6.500 6.634 7.46 Your monthly cost
20 Year 1 6.250 6.510 7.31 Your monthly cost
15 Year 0 6.250 6.415 8.57 Your monthly cost
15 Year 1 5.750 6.068 8.30 Your monthly cost
10 Year 0 6.125 6.357 11.16 Your monthly cost
10 Year 1 5.750 6.202 10.98 Your monthly cost

Payments shown do not include taxes or insurance. Your payments may be greater.

All rates effective as of February 11, 2025

These rates are for Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts properties.
*Annual Percentage Rate (APR) subject to change without notice.
**Per $1,000 Borrowed.
Owner-occupied single family properties only. APR based on 40% downpayment and 0 points. Downpayment of less than 20% requires mortgage insurance. Property and flood insurance where required.

Jumbo Fixed Mortgage (over $766,550)

Product Term Points Rate APR* Monthly Payment** Payment Calculator
30 Year 0 6.750 6.816 6.49 Your monthly cost
30 Year 1 6.500 6.662 6.32 Your monthly cost
20 Year 0 6.750 6.836 7.60 Your monthly cost
20 Year 1 6.500 6.713 7.46 Your monthly cost
15 Year 0 6.500 6.605 8.71 Your monthly cost
15 Year 1 6.375 6.640 8.64 Your monthly cost

Payments shown do not include taxes or insurance. Your payments may be greater.

All rates effective as of February 11, 2025

These rates are for Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts properties.
*Annual Percentage Rate (APR) subject to change without notice.
**Per $1,000 Borrowed.
Owner-occupied single family properties only. APR based on 40% downpayment and 0 points. Downpayment of less than 20% requires mortgage insurance. Property and flood insurance where required.

Adjustable Rate Mortgage

Product TermTermRatePointsAPRMonthly Payment**
5/6 Jumbo ARM
Caps: 2% initial, 1% every six months, 5% lifetime
30 Years6.87507.238For months 1 to 60, the payment per $1000 is $6.57. Based on the current index and margin, for months 61 to 360, the rate would be 6.6250% and the payment per $1000 is $6.83.
5/6 Jumbo ARM
Caps: 2% initial, 1% every six months, 5% lifetime
30 Years6.37517.133For months 1 to 60, the payment per $1000 is $6.24. Based on the current index and margin, for months 61 to 360, the rate would be 6.625% and the payment per $1000 is $6.89.
7/6 Jumbo ARM
Caps: 5% initial, 1% every six months, 5% lifetime
30 Years6.37506.916For months 1 to 84, the payment per $1000 is $6.24. Based on the current index and margin, for months 85 to 360, the rate would be 6.625% and the payment per $1000 is $7.07.
7/6 Jumbo ARM
Caps: 5% initial, 1% every six months, 5% lifetime
30 Years6.12516.883For months 1 to 84, the payment per $1000 is $6.08. Based on the current index and margin, for months 85 to 360, the rate would be 6.625% and the payment per $1000 is $7.10.
10/6 Jumbo ARM
Caps: 5% initial, 1% every six months, 5% lifetime
30 Years6.62506.938For months 1 to 120, the payment per $1000 is $6.40. Based on the current index and margin, for months 121 to 360, the rate would be 6.625% and the payment per $1000 is $7.53.
10/6 Jumbo ARM
Caps: 5% initial, 1% every six months, 5% lifetime
30 Years6.37516.869For months 1 to 120, the payment per $1000 is $6.24. Based on the current index and margin, for months 121 to 360, the rate would be 6.625% and the payment per $1000 is $7.58.

Payments shown do not include taxes or insurance. Your payments may be greater.

All rates effective as of February 11, 2025

These rates are for Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts properties.
*Annual Percentage Rate (APR) subject to change without notice.
**Per $1,000 Borrowed.
Index is the 30-day average SOFR. APR is variable and may increase after closing. Owner-occupied Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts single family properties only. APR based on 20% downpayment and 0 points. Downpayment of less than 20% requires mortgage insurance. Property and flood insurance where required. Subject to credit approval.

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Prime Rate

Wall Street Prime Rate7.50

Prime Rate effective date December 19, 2024.