Monthly Security Tips
Protect Yourself and Your Money from Fraud
We value your banking relationship with us and, as your trusted advisor, want to ensure you have the financial tools and information you need to successfully manage your finances. As you may have read or seen in the news, there are a number of sophisticated financial scams taking place both nationally and locally. Watch our YouTube video series for tips to help protect you from becoming a victim of fraud.
Monthly Security Tip
Everyone has secrets—personal data, passwords, private documents, etc—and people will spend lots of money to keep this information secret or gain access to it. Ransomware is just one way that hackers win access to personal information, expecting its owner will pay to win it back.
Monthly Security Tip
8 Internet Safety Rules for Kids
Cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and internet scams are on the rise—how can we help kids navigate the internet safely?
Please contact us whenever you have questions about the legitimacy of a text message, phone call or email appearing to be from Washington Trust.
FDIC Consumer News & Tips
FDIC Consumer News provides practical guidance on how to become a smarter, safer user of financial services to protect and stretch your hard-earned dollars.
Security Tips
Elder Fraud and Financial Exploitation
Sadly, financial exploitation is one of the fastest growing forms of abuse against seniors and adults with disabilities. Learn how to help protect yourself or your loved one.
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Call our Customer Solutions Center at (800) 475-2265 or email us today!