The Rhode Show Helps to #SpreadTheWord about the 2021 Peanut Butter Drive
April 09, 2021
Twenty-one years ago, Washington Trust held its first Peanut Butter Drive to help fill local food pantry shelves, which were bare after the holiday season. Since then, Washington Trust’s employees, customers, schools and businesses have helped the Bank collect 143 TONS of peanut butter! Why peanut butter? It’s a family friendly, nutritious, shelf-stable, but somewhat expensive commodity…and one jar can provide up to 25 meals!
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need is greater than ever in 2021 and Washington Trust’s Peanut Butter Drive is off to a strong start. Washington Trust’s SVP & Chief Marketing & Corporate Communications Officer, Beth Eckel, noted that Washington Trust employees have already contributed approximately $7,500 to this year’s Drive!
Due to health and safety precautions, Washington Trust can no longer accept jars of peanut butter, but is accepting online donations to benefit the Rhode Island Community Food Bank. Simply visit and donate today. Best of all, for every $5.00 donated, the Food Bank can provide 5 jars of peanut butter to families in need.
Did you miss the interview on the Rhode Show? Check it out above!