Security Tips

Debit Card Security Tips

Fraudsters have become increasingly adept at getting cardholders to share the information they need to commit fraud. This can include manipulating Caller ID (or spoofing) to pretend to be calling from your financial institution by posing as call center agents, or by sending text messages that look like they are coming from your institution, warning of suspicious transaction activities. If at any point you are uncertain about questions being asked or the call itself, hang up and call us immediately.

The Best Defense is to Stay Ahead

  • Regularly check your account(s) online for suspicious transactions, but especially if you are unsure about a call or text message you’ve received.
  • Update your contact information by calling us or updating your settings in Online Banking so we can notify you immediately if we detect unusual or suspicious activity on your account.
  • Use Washington Trust’s Mobile Banking app to view your account activity and check your balance on the go.
  • Go paperless you can reduce fraud by going paperless and enrolling free e-Statements.

If you feel that you've become a victim of fraud or identity theft, please report the identity theft to us at 800-475-2265 as soon as possible.

Contact a Trusted Advisor

For more information or to speak with one of our trusted advisors about your unique financial needs, contact us at 800-465-2265 or submit an online form.

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