Build Your Savings Automatically!

Every time you use your Washington Trust debit card, the amount charged to your checking account will be rounded up to the next dollar and we’ll automatically transfer the difference to the account of your choice.* Saving has never been so easy!

Sign Up Enroll in Add-It-Up using this simple form
Shop Use your debit card for everyday purchases
Save Watch your savings grow!

Sign Up Today

See the change add up

Tap on the everyday weekly purchases below to see it in action!

  • Groceries


  • Cappuccino


  • Ridesharing


  • Gas


  • Takeout


  • Clothing


Per Week

Per Year

It’s simple to get started

All you need to get started is a Washington Trust checking account with a debit card, and another designated Washington Trust account where you want to save your “change”.
Need to open an account? Click here to find the right account for you. If you have any questions, contact our Customer Solutions Center at 800-475-2265.


*Washington Trust checking account with a debit card and designated account required. Add-It-Up transfer amounts are totaled each day and a single transfer is made from your checking account to your designated account. Customer must be owner (tax owner or non-tax owner) on the account designated for the Add-It-Up transfers. ATM transactions or cash withdrawals at a merchant do not qualify for the round-up transfer. The daily Add-It-Up transfer will not occur for that business day if the checking account lacks sufficient available funds for the daily transfer to occur; if any transaction has overdrawn the checking account; or if the Add-It-Up transfer would initiate an overdraft on the checking account.